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Women Of Fifty

Providing a vehicle, vision, and voice for women age 50+ to combat 

ageism, sexism, and racism in the workplace.

Get to Know Us

The Women Of Fifty  Experience

We are Women of Fifty,  a professional association dedicated, tailored, and customized to the needs of the seasoned, long tenured, and experienced woman age 50+ with a connection and community of tools, resources, and opportunities aligned with career goals and objectives while promoting sex, age, and racial inclusivity.

Look Who's Talking!
Intersection of Sexism, 
Ageism, and + Racism = Triple Jeopardy

Looks who's talking.  We are!  Women of Fiffty acknowledges the intersectionality of Sexism and Ageism for women over 50.  Our founder, Monica Due, understands this phenomenal first hand as a woman, over age 50 as well as a woman of color which adds a third standard.  Often times when DEI and B are discussed, specifically in the workplace, it is a reference to gender and race, however; age is often the forgotton or unmentioned standard. 

Women of Fifty has created with an understanding of the many obstacles, challenges, and struggles experienced by women over the age of 50 in their careers which can be played out through sexism and ageism and if you are a woman of color, you can add racism.

Accordng to an AARP survey a few years ago,  there is about 30 percent of women age 50 and above who say they are discriminated against because of their age. despite the fact that age discrimination has been illegal since 1967."


Please click the link below to complete Women Of Fifty's "Mind Your Business Survey" to assist with receiving a pulse from your feedback to speak to your experience, thoughts, and perspective.




Have survey link.

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Women of Fifty

 St. Louis, Missouri

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